Monday, October 12, 2009

Texting and Driving: A Lethal Combo?

Texting and Driving: A Lethal Combo?: "
Happy Columbus Day! Back in 1492 Columbus had a lot to worry about on his voyage, but he didn't have to worry about the La Pinta, La Nina or Santa Maria crashing into each other because of a sailor texting while behind the helm.
Today the issue of texting behind the wheel has gained international attention. A recent study released by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
finds that texting while driving, while not as lethal as drunk driving, can be quite dangerous simply because it takes a driver's eyes off the road. The video from the United Kingdom that I've included at the bottom of this post (warning- it's graphic) hammers this message home---in arguably a sensationalized way.

Some states have outlawed texting while driving and surveys suggest the public agrees with banning it. Last week President Obama issued an Executive Order banning federal employees from texting while driving when using government vehicles or phones, or while on government business.
I'm guilty of texting at the occasional stop sign or red light but it's impossible for me to text while driving. I've never really been a great conversationalist on the road either but it's because conversation always takes a back seat to what's going on on the road.
What do you think about texting while driving?


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