ShelfLifeAdvice doesn't just give you information about how long you can store food, how it should be stored, and safe tips for handling and preparing it, the site also aggregates food-related news and recalls. You can look up how long and how to store broccoli and also see if there are health warnings or recalls on broccoli while you're at it.
ShelfLifeAdvice is a free service that requires no registration. You can browse the index of food and news, search it by keyword, or subscribe to their RSS feed to stay on top of food-related news. Have a food-related site to share? Let's hear about it in the comments.
ShelfLifeAdvice [via MakeUseOf]
We thought that by using computers and the net we wouldn't need shelves full of ring files and heaps of paper on the desk. Yet here we are today and most offices I know, including my own, are still full of paper.