Have you heard about Kanopy?
It's Hackley Library's latest digital resource!
Gain free digital access to streaming videos and thoughtful entertainment, all right at your fingertips.
How does it work?
Hackley Library provides you with 5 instant borrows each month. These will reset every month, which you can then borrow more!
When borrowing titles, you can borrow more than one title at a time.
Most titles are available for 72 hours once selected.
Once you select ONE Kanopy Kids title, all Kanopy Kids titles are available for 30 days (it only uses one borrow!).
Great Courses titles are available for 30 days once selected - if you borrow a Great Courses title, you will be able to watch all episodes within that Great Course using just ONE of your instant borrows!
One of the greatest parts! All items will be returned automatically!