When Amelia Came to Michigan
6:00 pm, Tuesday, September 29
“When Amelia Came to Michgan” is the real life story of Amelia Earhart's adventures in
Michigan. Our many years of research indicates she was here more than 25 times
promoting the aviation industry and opportunities for women in this field. Our lecture and
visual presentation begins with her childhood at the turn of the century, her family life and
education, early flying experiences, the world records and her 8 years of adventures in
Michigan. Over a 10 year period, we collected Michigan newspaper articles about Amelia,
also hundred's of photographs, old film footage, plus the music from the 1920's and 30's.
This was the era of the Jazz Age, the Charleston, Foxtrot, Quick Time, and Swing.
Amelia's first visit to Michigan was in 1928, after her first transatlantic flight. She came
to promote TAC Airline passenger and air mail services. She set 3 women's speed
records at the National Air Races on Grosse Isle and was a test pilot for various aircraft.
She sold the first Autogiro to the Detroit News and WWJ Radio. In September of 1931
she crashed at the Michigan State Fair grounds. She christened new model cars for the
Hudson Motor Company. She was here to cut the ribbon for the opening of the new
Continental Airport. Amelia was in great demand to speak to Rotary clubs, women
teacher groups, Town Hall meetings, schools, colleges, plus Chambers of Commerce.
Brought to you through the generosity of the Friends of Hackley Public Library
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