Thursday, November 30, 2017

Book Review-The Rosie Effect

After reading a lot of serious books I was ready for something light and humorous, so I downloaded The Rosie Effect (or here for the eaudiobook).
What fun!  I was laughing before the first chapter ended.  Don is a professor of genetics from Australia who is currently working in NYC.  His wife, Rosie, also from Australia, is in school working on her MD and PhD.  Don is a little different-he most likely has Asperger's Syndrome-which gets him into some unusual situations.  He is fully aware of his social shortcomings and works hard to overcome them.  He and Rosie are quite happy.  Until...Rosie announces she is pregnant.  Don is shocked because he thought they would plan when to get pregnant.  His surprise sets in motion a complex chain of events.
I liked this book because of the humor, but also because of how Don is protrayed.  He is very analytical and a good problem solver, but he also is open to learning from his mistakes and didn't seem to take things personally.  I thought Rosie should have taken Don's quirks into account more than she did, but other than that, it was a fun book.

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