Thursday, May 20, 2010

Staying Active This Summer

Staying Active This Summer: From GovGab:
basketball"May is the perfect month to hold National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. The weather is getting warmer, the days are nice and long and kids are antsy to be done with school. What time could be better to promote physical activity and encourage kids to step away from their video games and computers.

There's nothing wrong with playing those games from time to time, but with summer practically here, we should be encouraging kids to run around outside, stretch out their legs and get some fresh air.

So what can you do to encourage your kids to be more active this month? has some great tips and ideas for getting started.

Take the reins and organize an event that promotes physical activity. Set up a walk or a bike ride. You can work with your community if you want to host a large event and invite your neighbors to attend, or you can host family events. Maybe every Saturday morning you will go for a family bike ride.

You can also make family time more active in other ways. Go outside and play tag or capture the flag. Collect lightening bugs. Go hiking in a state park.

There are lots of things you can do if you're a little bit creative.

What will you and your family do this summer to stay active?"

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