While I was waiting for my ebook to be in, I put a hold on another one. It came in at the same time as a print book, but as it only has a 2 week loan period and is unavailable after that, and the physical book has a three week loan period and I can keep it if I need to, I decided to read the ebook first. I did finish it within the two weeks, but just barely!
The ebook I read was A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. It was very interesting. The story followed a number of people over the course of at least 30 years or so, from the 70's to the future. It was not a linear story. We started with Sasha, just after she'd been fired from her job. The next chapter followed Bennie, her former employer, about 12 years previous to that. It was interesting to try to figure out how each new chapter fit into the story. It took place in New York and California for the most part, with one side trip to the desert. Most of the characters were involved, in some way, with the music industry. If you like reading about how people relate to each other, and how those relationships evolve and change over time, you'd like this book.
Presidents’ Day
1 week ago
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